Lime and Cherry POPSICLES

These Lime & Cherry POPSICLES are perfect for these warm Summer days.. so refreshing..

Estos polos de lima y cereza son perfectos para estos días calurosos de verano .. refrescantes ..

When you take the first bite they seem to be too sweet but once the zestiness of the lemon pulls through and breaks the sweetness.. they are simply delicious.. and the best part: they are super easy to make!

El primer bocado que tomas parece que será muy dulce, pero el sabor de la lima se hace notar rompiendo esa dulzura .. Son simplemente deliciosos .. y la mejor parte: son súper fácil de hacer!

Lime & Cherry

¡Clic aquí para ver/imprimir la receta en Español!
(makes 6 Popsicles)

  • 1 cup of white granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • juice of 1 lime
  • freshly cut lime wedges
  • black cherries (unpitted)


Mix and then heat the sugar & water in a heavy bottom sauce pan on the stovetop on high heat. Don´t stir during the process (swirling is allowed). Keep a pastry brush and cup of water on the side to keep the sides of the pan clean to avoid crystallization. When the syrup starts to thicken and the bubbles are popping open slower, the syrup is ready. Leave to cool for a few minutes. While the syrup is cooling, fill your popsicle molds with 1 or 2 slices of thinly cut lemon wedges and 1 or 2 pitted whole or half cherries. Don´t put too much fruit because it will cause the popsicle to fall apart quickly. Fill your molds until the top, pop in the popsicle sticks and freeze overnight. Dip the molds into a jug with hot water to remove them easily. Now they are ready to enjoy! If you don´t like your popsicles very sweet you can add more water when you make the syrup.

This summer I´m loving experimenting with popsicle recipes and different flavour combinations.. I don´t think that I will ever look at a box of store-bought popsicles in the same way again.. :-) To say 
I´ll never buy popsicles again would be ridiculous because it is simply impossible to take homemade popsicles with you to the beach ;-)

Este verano me encanta experimentar con recetas de helados y diferentes combinaciones de sabores .. No creo que nunca vaya a mirar a una caja de helados de en la tienda de la misma manera otra vez .. :-) Decir que nunca iré a comprar polos de hielo de nuevo sería ridículo porque es simplemente imposible llevarte helados hechos en casa con usted a la playa;-)

Also I learnt that when taking photos on a warm summer day with popsicles is an art in itself.. You need a bucket of ice on hand and you need everything 100% ready to take the photos, if not, disaster is eminent................... anyway hope you guys have a good week, I´ll be back later this week with another recipe, until then xoxo (and more xoxo´s)

También aprendí que cuando sacas fotos de polos en un día cálido de verano es un arte en sí mismo .. Es necesario un cubo de hielo a mano y que necesitas todo al 100% listo para tomar las fotos, si no, el desastre es inminente ... ................ de todos modos espero que ustedes tengan una buena semana, voy a estar de vuelta esta semana con otra receta, hasta entonces besos y abrazos (y más besos y abrazos)
